The most natural instinct of a mother is to nurse, and the most natural instinct of a baby is to suckle. But nursing, or breastfeeding, has had a strange and convoluted history.
Much like cloth diapering and babywearing, there have always been differing views about correct technique, and even acceptability. In the days of old, nursing was viewed as distasteful in the upper classes, so those who could afford to employed wet nurses to nurse their infants. This changed when, in the 18 th century, French child-rearing philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau romanticised the idea of natural mothering, and nursing one’s own baby became the fashionable thing to do.
In the 19 th century, mothers began to lose faith in breast milk, thinking that it was not nutritionally sufficient for their babies. Many turned to cow’s milk, which proved dangerous and many babies died from improperly pasturised milk. At the same time, the advent of modern science meant that people’s faith in hospitals and doctors increased and it became common practice to give birth in hospital. This led to a heightened awareness of sterility, which led to mothers questioning the cleanliness of the act of nursing.
As things became more efficient, milk banks were set up, and bottle feeding overtook direct nursing. This was further prompted by the fact that more women were coming out to work. Then, in the late 1800s, powdered milk formula was manufactured and nursing declined even further.
Nursing has since made a comeback, firstly because breast milk has been proven to boost the immunity and overall health of babies and infants. This was bolstered by findings that the act of direct nursing is emotionally and socially beneficial to both mothers and their children. Now, mothers are encouraged to direct nurse exclusively for as long as possible, or to at least to give their babies expressed milk, and there are a myriad of ways to support them in this natural, wonderful pursuit.

Nursing should be an enjoyable bonding time between mother and child, so we have found products that will help mothers enjoy their special mummy-baby time. We have also included fun and useful products that mummies and babies alike can enjoy because life should be fun!
Why Bell & Cass?
Bell & Cass was conceived by two loving mothers from Malaysia who developed their own nursing cover to fit their and their babies’ needs. Seeking to nurse securely in public, they experimented with many covers before creating their own that suited all their needs, including breathability, structure and style. Sharing their creation with nursing mothers everywhere, Bell & Cass aim to encourage mothers to nurse comfortably anytime, anywhere.
Petite Creations (Baby Milk Storage)
Petite Creations is the creator of Baby Cubes which is a fantastic BPA free solutions to Milk and Food storage.
Family run Petite Creations combines fun and practicality for babies and mummies alike. As with many really practical products, Petite Creations was created when a parent saw a need for something that wasn’t available. Inspired by his baby boy, Canadian Rock Diodati conceived of arange of baby products that were safe, practical and reliable and now Petite Creations is an industry leader in fun and useful baby products.
Earth Mama Angel Baby (Baby Skin Products)
Created by nurse, herbalist and mother Melinda Olson, Earth Mama Angel Baby is a brand that is committed to a herbal alternative to chemical-laden mother and baby care. Earth Mama Angel Baby originated in Melinda’s Oregon kitchen where she concocted herbal remedies for her friends and family. Blending her love and expertise of traditional herbal remedies with scientific research, Melinda also aims to educate about how to use herbs in our modern world.
Bravado Designs
The creators of Bravado bought their company back from the big conglomerate Medela. They are now an independtly owned oragnization not listed on any stock exchange meaning they are able to put quality above profitability which is what they do. Here is some text from their website:
We are passionate about design. Each Bravado Designs nursing bra takes into account endless details for the perfect fit, from the first time you put it on and every time thereafter. By the time you slip into one of our nursing bras, tanks and camis, it’s gone through its paces as part of our unique Test Wear Program. We invite hundreds of moms, who range in body type and breast size, to help us perfect our designs based on real-life around-the-clock use.
Our designers also travel the globe for the newest design trends, fabrics and innovations. This, together with your insightful comments, is the foundation for our product development. That’s what makes us so confident you’ll love the style details, ease of use and unparalleled comfort.
La Leche League International
La Leche League International was formed in 1956, in Franklin Park, IL, USA by a group of seven mothers who wanted to provide breastfeeding help and support to interested women. Two mothers, Mary White and Marian Tompson, were breastfeeding their children at a church picnic and many other women expressed interest, or told them how they had wanted to breastfeed but failed.
With their years of experience, this organization has teamed up with manufacturers to best products possible.
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Bell & Cass Nursing cover
Bel & Cass nursing covers are perfect for on-the-go mums. Handmade from form-holding 100% cotton, they don’t flop onto baby’s face as they nurse and interact with mummy, and they are breathable even as they drape over mummy’s whole front and back for maximum coverage. A convenient side pocket gives mummy a place to stash wipes and other necessities, and Bel & Cass nursing covers are completely foldable for outings.

Pesto and Baby Cubes
Every mother of a young baby or toddler knows that convenience is key. That is why Pesto Cubes and Baby Cubes are essential additions to their kitchens. Pesto Cubes make food preparation for your little one or your entire family a snap … a snap of a lid, that is. Baby Cubes allow mothers to store baby-sized portions for handy defrosting and feeding. They are even handy for storing breast milk for on-the-go mothers and babies. The reason the two are separate? So that there’s no chance of the oil from the pesto or normally prepared foods getting into your precious breast milk or baby

Fresh Feeder
The Fresh Feeder is a great way for babies to feel independent as they ‘feed’ themselves without the worry of mess or choking. Fresh Feeders are made from FDA approved and BPA-free material so can be used with any blended foods including meats as your toddler grows older. Fresh Feeders guarantee fuss-free cleaning and come in an assortment of colours so you can choose your child’s favourite colour.

EMAB Natural Nipple butter
EMAB Natural Nipple Butter guarantees that every nursing moment is a happy one for both mummy and baby by soothing away soreness or cracking and keeping nipples soft and smooth. Safe enough to go directly into baby’s mouth, it even tastes yummy! EMAB Natural Nipple Butter also does double-duty for any dry, irritated, broken skin issues, works well as an alternative diaper cream or breast pump lubricant, and has even been used to remove chewing gum from hair!

Nursing Bras
Bravado and La Leche are two of the most ethical and high quality brands we could find to stock. Only the best the world has to offer suffices for our clients. If you're looking for cheapo low quality products best look elsewhere.
The creators of Bravado bought their company back from the big conglomerate Medela. They are now an independtly owned oragnization not listed on any stock exchange meaning they are able to put quality above profitability which is what they do.
La Leche League International was formed in 1956, in Franklin Park, IL by a group of seven mothers who wanted to provide breastfeeding help and support to interested women.

EMAB Angel Baby Shampoo & Body Wash
EMAB Angel Baby Shampoo & Body Wash makes bath time fun and easy for the whole family. Made from natural, organic herbal extracts and castile, it is so gentle it can be used from head to toe for no-fuss bathing, yet it is effective enough to clean off most muck as your baby grows. EMAB Angel Baby Shampoo & Body Wash is concentrated, so every drop can be stretched, and it is the perfect cleanser to use to make DIY baby and diaper wipes, and even household cleansers!
EMAB C-Mama Healing Salve
Lovingly formulated to heal caesarean section marks, EMAB C-Mama Healing Salve not only heals physical scars but also promotes emotional regeneration with the wonderful aromas and emotional healing properties of herbal extracts and essential oils. Filled with many natural minerals and essential oils and zero chemicals, the C-Mama Healing Salve is a great organic alternative for many household first aid kit issues like minor burns, eczema, and acne. It’s so packed with goodness that a little goes a long way!
EMAB Angel Baby Lotion
‘Smooth as a baby’s …’ that’s how the saying goes because babies’ skin is naturally perfect. EMAB Angel Baby Lotion helps you to keep it that way with organic herbal extracts and wonderful essential oils. Gentle enough to use from top to toe, this is the perfect lotion to use for any baby skin issues like keratosis pilaris, diaper rash or just for a soothing, bonding after-bath massage.
EMAB Organic Milkmaid Tea
Mummy has what baby needs, but we could all use a little help at times. EMAB Organic Milkmaid Tea is full of herbal extracts and minerals that keep mummy calm and promote lactation. Caffeine-free, it is the perfect beverage for nursing mummies to sip any time of the day. EMAB OrganicMilkmaid Tea also soothes other new mummy digestive issues such as indigestion, gas and Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Baby Bottle Buddy
Your baby loves to explore and hey love their milk! They also love aving a best friend around to squish and nibble on. A Baby Bottle Buddy is the perfect ‘drinking buddy’ for them when they are old enough to hold their own bottle. Let them choose their favourite animal from the range and pop their bottle in … they will have tons of fun as they drink … and you’ll have your hands free to do other things. Your baby will appreciate the textured ears when they are teething and just need something to chomp on. You will appreciate that they are machine washable and dryable.

Q: I am committed to nursing, but I feel awkward nursing in public. Do you have any tips to make it more comfortable?
A: - What you wear will help make it more comfortable to nurse wherever you are. There are so many beautiful nursing outfits available nowadays, but if you don’t want to purchase anything, stick to tops and pants or skirts and avoid dresses unless they are v-neck or button-up. The same goes for shirts, too.
- Carry a lightweight shawl or blanket to drape over your shoulder and your baby. Alternatively, invest in a carrier that gives good nursing coverage. Another alternative is a nursing cover like Bell & Cass.
- Practice nursing with your cover or carrier at home. Ask someone to be your eyes, or do it in front of a mirror. Practice different angles too.
- Try to feed before you go out so that you and your baby can just enjoy the trip.
- Recce your regular haunts to find the most secluded spots for discrete nursing. For unfamiliar places, ask other nursing mothers or the staff. Most public areas have dedicated nursing rooms which are quite comfortable and pleasant.
- Get acquainted with your baby’s nursing cues so that you can start feeding them before they get too fussy. It’s easier to arrange yourself properly when both you and your baby are calm.
Q: My baby’s teeth are growing in nicely and I want him to explore more solid foods. What can I offer him?
A: There are so many delicious things you can now let your baby try safely with the Baby Fresh Feeder. Here are a few suggestions:
Apple, pear, peach pieces - let your baby enjoy unmashed, uncooked pieces without worrying about them biting off more than they can chew. Just pop fairly large pieces into the Baby Fresh Feeder so that your baby can scrape off digestible bits.
Whole berries, melon pieces or grapes - you can be assured your baby won’t accidentally swallow them whole. Don’t worry about deseeding grapes … the seeds will stay safely in the Baby Fresh Feeder.
Raw carrots, capsicum, tomatoes or cucumber.
Chicken or fish cooked to a soft consistency.
When your baby goes through teething pains, you can freeze anything you want to place into the Baby Fresh Feeder for cooling chewing relief.
Q: I recently stopped nursing and I still have a lot of nipple ointment left over. Can I use it for anything else?
A: Nipple creams, especially the natural ones like EMAB Natural Nipple Butter, don’t have to be wasted. They can actually save you a lot of money! Here’s how:
- Rash Ointment - Nipple salve is essentially an ointment that protects and keeps the affected area moist without wetting it, so it works perfectly as a rash guard that also slowly heals the skin. It is especially suitable for the rash that develops around teething toddler’s mouths and chin due to the constant drool waterfall.
- Diaper Ointment - For all of the same reasons, nipple ointment is perfect to protect your baby’s tender tushie from number ones and number twos, and to heal diaper rash if it occurs.
- Moisturizer - Because it is edible, you can slather it all over your darling baby’s face and whole body and not worry about them licking it off.
- Lip Balm - Again, nipple balm is edible. It’s also smooth and protective. What better lip balm can you ask for?
- First Aid Ointment - It’s well-nigh impossible to get any antiseptic cream onto cuts and grazes, but nipple ointment is soothing rather than stinging, so children actually want it slathered all over their boo-boos. It also stems the blood flow. Keep it handy for painful razor nicks too, and it’s a Godsend for eczema sufferers.
- Itch Relief - Lovely soothing nipple ointment is great for itchy stretch marks. And insect bites. And any itchy spot.
- Household Helper - This ‘magical’ stuff can do anything! Well, almost. Got a stuck zipper? Slather it up with nipple cream and watch it glide over smoothly. Your ring won’t slip off? Grab that nipple ointment! And don’t go and buy lanolin to treat your wool baby or mother items … use your lanolin-rich ointment!
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Parenting and baby nursing
We aim to help educate parents, individuals and caregivers on all facets of raising a child and parenting. We aim to include parenting advice, baby care, baby feeding, baby sleep, teething, breast milk, baby food recipes and other related mother and baby information on our website.
In this page, we will run through information regarding products such as nursing cover, nursing bras, nibbler, breast pump, milk bag / breast milk storage, storage milk adapter, baby food storage, baby food container, teething toys, baby changing pad, diapers bag, and nursing pad. We bring to the market brands such as Lilie Pillie, Batik Boutique, Bel & Cass, Mangtha, Bravado, La Leche, Ah Goo Baby, Smartmom, Teething Bling, Baby Cube and Honey Suckle.
We intend to educate parents and caregivers on the various types of cloth diapering systems such as All in One(AIO), All in Two(Ai2), NewBorn, One Size Fit All, Fitted, Hook and Look, Aplix, Velcro, Snap, Pocket, Shell, prefold, Stay Dry soaker pads, Organic Cotton Soaker Pads, Stay Dry Booster, Organic Cotton Booster, and Bioliner.
The brands that we carry are some of the best cloth diapers and organic diapers in the world like Grovia, Evolution Diapers, Thirsties, Starbunz, and Bouncy Baby.
Di Tiny Tapir, kami berhasrat untuk membantu mendidik ibu bapa, individu dan penjaga dalam semua aspek bagi meningkatkan pertumbuhan kanak-kanak. Antaranya termasuk nasihat keibubapaan, penjagaan bayi, makanan bayi, bayi tidur, teething, susu ibu, resipi makanan bayi, dan lain-lain.
Dalam halaman ini, kami akan meliputi produk seperti bra menyusu, pam menyusu, beg susu / penyimpanan susu ibu, penyimpanan penyesuai susu, penyimpanan makanan bayi, bekas makanan bayi, , lapik menukar lampin, beg lampin, dan pad ibu.Kami memasarkan jenama seperti Lilie Pillie, Batik Boutique, Bel & Cass, Mangtha, Bravado, La Leche, Ah Goo Baby, Smartmom, Teething Bling, Baby Cube dan Honey Suckle.