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Breastfeeding Seminar – 6th Sept 2008 – 2 to 6pm

Teeny Tiny Tapir will be having our second Breastfeeding Seminar on 6th September 2008 from 2 to 6pm.

We call it a seminar, but it won’t be in some stuffy seminar room, instead it will be at our lovely Teeny Tiny Tapir center in Jalan Damai, where we provide comfy wicker chairs and a great relaxing ambiance, right here in the middle of Kuala Lumpur.

Gina Yong, our breastfeeding / lactation consultant was trained in the USA and she gives a great information talk which is so useful to all new mothers in all sorts of things, not just breastfeeding.

If you have already given birth to your baby and are having problems breastfeeding, feel free to come along and Gina will definitely be able to help you out.

Breastfeeding might be 100% natural, but we all need a guiding hand – just like with everything else, skills need to be learned. In the past we had experienced midwives and mothers / grandmothers who lived at home with us / wise women in the village, who would impart their knowledge. In the modern world, these womanly ties have mostly broken down, and so we need women like Gina to impart their knowledge. ————————————-

In Gina’s words :

Learn EVERYTHING you can about BREASTFEEDING before your BABY is born!!

Many mothers are expected to just “know how to do it”, but the truth is – although breastfeeding is a natural process, it needs to be LEARNT!!

I am a mother of four beautiful children. I failed to breastfeed my eldest child, but was successful with my 3 younger ones. I share my knowledge and experiences in a direct and frank manner:

Why Breastfed is Best fed

* How to Get Started the Right Way! * How Milk Gets from Breast to Baby * Correct Positioning and Holding of baby * Correct Latch-On * Avoid Breastfeeding Common Problems – Engorgement, Sore Nipples etc * How to Increase Your Milk Supply * How to know if your baby is getting enough milk * How to breastfeed your Baby till his/her 1st birthday * Breastfeeding for Working Moms * Daddy and the breastfed Baby * Breastfeeding Myths debunked! * And much more!!

Come prepared with all your questions. There will be time for interactive questions and answers. (This is a 4-hour talk)

Cost : RM 110 per person, Husband attend for FREE

Includes :


Breastfeeding Book “Got (Breast) Milk?” by Gina Yong

Venue : 9 Lorong Damai 9, behind City Square

Date : 6th September 2008

Time : 2 – 6pm

Call 012-2122387 for more information on the workshop,

or call Teeny Tiny Tapir at 013 266 8060 for a map or directions.

Please write check payable to Yong Mei Keng or bank in payment to Maybank Account: 1142 3610 8728

(Confirmation of Attendance is Required for this Talk. Limited seats available)


I was 8 months pregnant when I attended Gina’s breastfeeding talk. It was very informative, I learn a lot during the class and I am really thankful to her or I will not be able to last until today. Edmund is almost 8 months old now and is still exclusively breastfeed until today. (Ms YinSun Leong IT/IS General Application Management)

We had attended your Breastfeeding Talk on 9/9/2006. Your talk is fantastic. Thank you! (Ching Chee Pun & Kimberly Foo)

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