EVERYDAY SALE. TEETHING BLING® BRACELET - Brown. BUY 1x Bracelet GET 1x Pendant FREE. of your choice.
EVERYDAY SALE. WHILE STOCK LAST. BUY 1x Bracelet GET 1x Pendant FREE of your choice.
Teething Bling® | The Original Teething Jewelry.
Teething Bling® was inspired by babies who like to tug on our jewelry. Our amethyst bracelet is made for an adult to wear but is also safe for curious babies to handle and chew. Teething Bling® is made from a medical-grade, chemical-free silicone and was designed to soothe and entertain babies with emerging teeth.
Teething Bling® Bracelet:
- Soft feel and texture
- 100% non-toxic
- Easy to clean
- The ORIGINAL Teething Jewelry
If you’ve ever held a baby, you know how much they love to grab and chew. Teething Bling® offers a better alternative to hair pulling, skin pinching, glasses twisting, etc. Little ones NEED to explore – it’s crucial to their development – so why not give them a safe product that will soothe and entertain while easing your frustration as a parent? Going out to dinner, sitting in church, standing line at the grocery store – let your busy baby play. As with every stage, endless grabbing shall pass. But when your little one is reaching for everything in sight, it’s great to have a handy product that will safely satisfy their curiosity. And if Mom can look stylish in the process, all the better!