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Reusable Tampons | Eco Alternative Tampons | Sea Pearls Sea Sponges
Sea Pearls are completely natural sea sponges that come from the ocean. Here at Jade & Pearl, a great deal of care is given to every single sponge we send out. Each Sea Pearl is washed, inspected, trimmed, and packaged by our expert sponge squad. The detailed care that goes into each sponge ensures that we continue providing the same high quality sea sponges that we have offered to the women of the world for the past 40 years.

CNY SALE is here. Washable & Reusable Round Colored Bamboo Velour Facial Cloth Puffs 3" SET (1B). SOLD Loose 5x pcs/set. BUY 1x set FREE 1x set.
CNY SALE is here. Washable & Reusable Round Colored Bamboo Velour Facial Cloth Puffs 3" SET (1B). SOLD Loose 5x pcs/set. BUY 1x set FREE 1x set.
Buy 1 Free 1 section
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