EVERYDAY SALE. While stock last. Please share with your friends.
ONYA 8-in-1 WEIGH FRUIT AND VEGGIE REUSABLE BAGS - Green bag with 8x white net bags inside.
So you have remembered your reusable bags, but still need to use plastic for your fruit 'n' veg.....Not any more!
*This handy pouch contains 8 strong Tulle bags (each can easily carry 2 kilos of produce)
*They are incredibly lightweight ,so they don't weigh anything on the scales
*Being see-through, shop assistants know exactly what's inside.
Available Colors: ONLY GREEN outer bag available now. Inside soft netting bags 8pcs with string to tie up bag after you place produce inside.
*Because washing our fruit 'n' veg before eat it is so important, these bags are actually designed so you can use each one as a colander washing the produce inside.
*Most fruit 'n' veg store better not sitting in a plastic bag where they can sweat and bruise etc. Some people prefer to just hang the bags on a hook in the pantry and again the produce lasts much longer.
Want: vb 1 (tr) to feel a need or longing for fruit n veggies 2 (tr) a lack, shortage, or absence of fruit n veggies.
Weigh: vb 1 (tr) to measure the weight of your fruit n veggies 2 (tr) to apportion fruit n veggies according to weight.
Wash: vb 1 (tr) to apply water to your fruit n veggies to clean pesticide residue 2 (tr) to cleanse your beautiful organic fruit n veggies of bugs and dirt.
*Other uses for net bags:
* Just as useful in the Health Food shop for: nuts, grains, rice and lentils etc.
* Net bags also suitable for Laundry use.